Portrait Christof Tschohl Ein Mann mit Bart im Anzug


Dr. Christof Tschohl is the scientific director and shareholder of the Research Institute – Digital Human Rights Center. After completing the HTL for communications engineering and several years of technical professional practice, he studied law at the University of Vienna and received his doctorate on data protection, IT security, telecommunications, criminal law and “Privacy by Design”. After 5 years at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights and a post doc position at the University of Vienna he started his own business in 2012. He is a board member of the data protection NGO “noyb”, head of the working group in the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) and member of the fundamental rights expert group of the Austrian Judges’ Association. He is also a member of the CERT-Advisory Board of the Republic of Austria as well as a board member of the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) and co-leader of the OCG Forum Privacy.


For the list of publications we refer to the German language version of our website.


You can reach me via contact@researchinstitute.at or via this contact form.