Christoph Diemberger


Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Diemberger, LL.B., LL.M. works for Research Institute – Digital Human Rights Center since Q1/2020 as an of-Counsel specialized into topics related to legal aspects of technical interfaces in communication and information technology. He graduated from the Technische Universität Wien, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology as well as from the Fernuniversität Hagen and the Universität Wien where he received his LL.B. respectively LL.M. degrees. After working in the ICT industry for 15 years, mainly as system engineer, HW/SW developer and most of the time as operational and strategic product manager, he changed into education as a teacher for higher technical vocational education at the TGM – Höhere technischen Bundeslehranstalt (HTL) in Wien XX – Department for electronics and informationtechnology. Additionally, he works as freelancing consultant in the field of LegalTech.